Published on October 23, 2023

Moonlight Gala Raises $170,000 for New Linear Accelerator

State-of-the-art technology will deliver life-saving radiation therapy at Payson Center for Cancer Care

The board of trustees, medical staff, employees, volunteers and friends of Concord Hospital joined each other on September 21, 2023, at the Moonlight Gala, which was held at the Barn and Bull Meadow in Concord, NH. The event raised funds to support the purchase of a new linear accelerator (LINAC) for the Payson Center for Cancer Care.

One hundred and twenty people attended the event, raising $170,000, of which $50,000 was committed as a challenge gift by the Foss Family Foundation and J. Daniel Davidson.

“We are grateful for the many supporters who joined us to make this event a success,” said Veronica Rosa, chief advancement officer. “I would also like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the Foss Family Foundation and J. Daniel Davidson for the generosity of their gift. We can all feel proud knowing this event will tremendously impact individuals with cancer.”

Donna Kuethe, a former cancer patient, was an invited speaker who shared her experience battling an aggressive form of cancer and the resources and compassionate care she received from the Payson Center for Cancer Care.

Dr. Thomas Sheldon, radiation oncologist at the Payson Center for Cancer Care, was a guest speaker who spoke about the evolution of linear accelerator technology over the past 30 years. The new LINAC will provide HyperArc targeting capabilities and several patient benefits, including more precise and accurate radiation delivery, shorter treatment times, reduced side effects and improved quality of life.

The Moonlight Gala would not be possible without support from our generous sponsors, including Concord Imaging Center at the Platinum level, along with Speedy Printing & Copying, Sulloway & Hollis, PLLC and VOYA Financial at the Gold level.

Concord Hospital Trust is the philanthropic arm of Concord Hospital, which secures and distributes charitable gifts in accordance with donors’ intents to support the organization’s mission of meeting the health needs of individuals throughout the communities it serves.